Sunday, January 21, 2007


i am obsessed with Jake Gyllenhaal. it's so bad that it's really come to the point where i think that if we met we would totally get together. like i compare real life guys that i meet to him. this is my dream guy. and yes, i am aware that anyone who can be this comfortable dressed as Jennifer Hudson and singing his heart out to "I'm gonna love you" should technically be given room for re-consideration.

but, HELLO, did you check out those guns???!

jake gyllenhal encompasses everything i'm looking for in a man. and no, i really don't believe i'm mistakingly using the word 'man'. He's hot, he's intelligent (Columbia U. anyone??), his sister could be my best friend, he can rock a tux like nobody's business, he's a total social issue mover and shaker, and he has no qualms about his manhood even after giving Heath Ledger the time of his life in Brokeback. I really think we would get along fabulously. And now that he's dumped that troll Kirsten Dunst, there is a plethora of opportunity. Come on, I'm totally cuter. And way less stupid.

I also feel that I have total claim on him given that I supported him through the Donnie Darko days. So as much as you may want a piece of this, back the hell up.

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